Q. "What’s the difference between exempt and nonexempt and how do we know which to use?"
HR Ministry Solutionexempt, nonexempt, Fair Labor Standards Act, FLSA, minimum, minimum wage, wage, overtime, workweek, hours, payroll, executive, administrative, professional, employee, test, duties, salary, Department of Labor, DOL
Staff Handbooks vs. Cheat Sheets: Which is Right for Me?
HR Ministry Solutionstaff handbook, handbook, staff, labor law, laws, cheat sheets, rules, regulations, communication, compliance, policy, policies, employee, employer, state, benfit, benefits, behavior, culture, expectations, growth, foundation, document, documents, compliant, law, labor, advisor, minimum wage, salary, salaries, salary range, overtime, breaks, pay laws, vacation, leave, maternity, harassment, harassment prevention training, sexual
2025 State Minimum Wage Increases
HR Ministry Solutionminimum wage, salary, salary structure, salary range, pay, payroll, city, cities, state, states, federal
FLSA UPDATE: Judge Strikes Down Increases
HR Ministry SolutionFLSA, federal, salary, threshold, Fair Labor Standards Act, DOL, Department of Labor, exempt, classification, legal, court, increase, minimum
Q. "An exempt employee is dropping to part time indefinitely. Do we need to switch them to hourly nonexempt or can we just reduce their salary?"
Q. "When can we deduct from an exempt employee's pay?"
HR Ministry Solutiondeduct, deduction, exempt, employee, pay, payroll, compensation, paycheck, withholding, workweek, hours, absence, leave, salary, hour, compensation audit
4 Things You Have to Stop Doing to Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionstaff, staff culture, burnout, culture, mission, time off, vacation, holiday, balance, employee, employer, leave, sabbatical, pastor, benefit, benefits, pay, salary, salaries, job description, review, coaching, disciple, growth, management, manage, schedule, hire, new hire, conflict, toxic, termination, fire
Q. "Are we required to pay summer interns?"
HR Ministry Solutionintern, internship, employee, pay, salary, stipend, DOL, unpaid, status, labor law, child
April 2024 FLSA Law Update
HR Ministry SolutionFLSA, DOL, pay, salary, pay rate, classification, employee, compensation, minimum, salaries, increase, hourly
5 Reasons You Can’t Miss This HR Ministry Professional Certification Cohort
HR Ministry SolutionHRMP, certified, certificate, certification, ministry professional, masterclass, course, onboard, onboarding, offboard, offboarding, compensation, pay, salary, salaries, payroll, benefits, coaching, coach, mentor, leader, template, templates, confident, learn, growth, church HR, secular, ministry, cohort
Worker Classifications are Changing in March
HR Ministry Solutionclassification, misclassified, worker, employee, W4, W-4, 1099, contractor, classified, IRS, FLSA, minimum, minimum wage, hours, pay, salary, benefit, labor law, independent, freelancer, IC, social security, medicare, taxes, unemployment, DOL, Department of Labor, economic reality test, equipment, work, reclassify
2024 State Minimum Wage Increases
HR Ministry Solutionminimum wage, salary, salary structure, salary range, pay, payroll, city, cities, state, states, federal
Q. "How do we prevent inconsistencies in our pay scale?"
HR Ministry Solutionpay, payroll, payroll system, pay grade, salary, salary structure, job description, paid, benefits, culture, retention, longevity, staff
Q. "What is the difference between a job description and a job posting?"
Q. "When hiring, what is the minimum salary we should offer in this economy?"
HR Ministry Solutionlabor, market, salary, salary structure, salary range, wage, minimum wage, employee, inflation, benefits, culture
Q. "What is a 'Ramp-Down, Ramp-Up Parental Leave Policy'?"
HR Ministry Solutionparent, maternity, mother, employee, salary, benefits, policy, retention, laws, FMLA
Set Your Intern Up for Success
HR Ministry Solutionintern, college, student, internship, onboarding, residency, new hire, new, program, mission, culture, paid, salary, compensation, stipend, tax law, goals, background check, harassment, harassment prevention training, training, onboard, healthy
Q. "Is it OK to reclassify an employee from exempt to non-exempt status?"
HR Ministry Solutionstatus, exempt, classification, employee, salary, payroll, job description, breaks, time card, over, time, misclassified, consulting, nonexempt
Why Onboarding and How to Do It
HR Ministry Solutiononboard, onboarding, new hire, new, hiring, culture, staff culture, staff, paperwork, tax law, salary, meeting, I-9, Interview, harassment, harassment prevention training, training, accountability, goals, communication, toolkit
2023 State Minimum Wage Increases
HR Ministry Solutionminimum wage, salary, salary structure, salary range, pay, payroll, city, cities, state, states, federal