All About Form I-9
HR Ministry SolutionI9, I-9, form, tax, employee, employee file, employment, employment law, eligibility, verification, fine, error, state law, start, employer, rehire, hire, hiring, new, file, HRIS, payroll, USCIS
Q. "Do we need to keep all resumes and contact each person who applies?"
HR Ministry Solutionresume, application, apply, applicant, job, job posting, communication, notification, contact, position, hiring, hire, interview, audit, compliance
Is the HR Ministry Professional Certification worth it??
HR Ministry Solutiononboarding, offboarding, offboard, onboard, new hire, hiring, training, train, class, course, group, cohort
Q. "Do we have to get permission to run a background check?"
HR Ministry SolutionFCRA, applicant, employee, volunteer, background, background check, right, hire, hiring, terminate, state law, legal
Q. "Can we promote an employee to a newly created position without giving others a chance to apply?"
Q. "Do we need to review every application submitted for a position?"
Q. Should we do a background check when rehiring an employee?
HR Ministry Solutionbackground, background check, screen, rehire, hiring, employee, process, policy, staff handbook, discrimination, consistency
Q. "Why do we need to bother with employment verification?"
Q. "How do we rescind a job offer?"
HR Ministry Solutionjob, job offer, onboarding, onboard, hiring, hire, new hire, legal, counsel, contingency, background check, background, offer
Q. "How do we hire a temporary employee to cover a current employee's leave of absence?"
HR Ministry Solutionhire, hiring, employee, temp, temporary, intern, internship, I-9, W-4, Interview, job, job posting, job description, leave
Q. "What is age discrimination?"
HR Ministry Solutionage, discrimination, discriminatory, old, young, generations, generation, ADEA, hiring, wages, pay, bonus, wage, discipline, termination, younger, older, harassment, harassment prevention training
Q. "What happens to E-Verify during a government shutdown?"
HR Ministry Solutiongovernment, shutdown, federal, e-verify, I-9, I9, procedure, guideline, DHS, TNS, new, new hire, hiring, onboard, onboarding
I-9 Update: The NEW Form
HR Ministry SolutionI-9, form, IRS, new, hiring, employee, documents, e-verify, remote, verification, alternative procedure, new hire
Guidelines for I-9s and Other Employee Records
HR Ministry Solutionemployee, forms, form, record, I-9, tax, records, employee file, personnel file, digital, termination, time card, USCIS, emails, rehire, hiring, onboarding, payroll, payroll system, remote, fiscal, staff han, staff handbook, handbook, consulting, staff lifestyle agreement, harassment, training
What Can You Do to Ensure a Market Downturn Doesn't Affect Your Business?
HR Ministry SolutionBELAY, economy, budget, spending, pay, payroll, hiring, benefits, brand, culture, offboarding, offboard, fire, termination, meeting, management, manage, staff culture
Staff Lifestyle Agreement: An Essential Tool for Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionstaff lifestyle agreement, staff, staff handbook, beliefs, behavior, status, marriage, mission, onboarding, hiring, church, firing, fire, discipline, statement of faith, communication, accountability, job description, performance plan, culture, new hire
Why Onboarding and How to Do It
HR Ministry Solutiononboard, onboarding, new hire, new, hiring, culture, staff culture, staff, paperwork, tax law, salary, meeting, I-9, Interview, harassment, harassment prevention training, training, accountability, goals, communication, toolkit
Q. "What's the latest on I-9s and how does it affect my organization?"
HR Ministry SolutionI-9, form, forms, audit, labor law, labor, employee, employer, verification, visa, rehire, new hire, hiring, employee file, termination
Q. "Is a four-day work week really beneficial?"
HR Ministry Solutionremote, remote work, flexibility, balance, employee, employer, retention, productivity, hiring, benefit, benefits, staff handbook, handbook, policies, policy, communication, hours, system, volunteer
Q. "Do we have to get permission to run a background check?"
HR Ministry Solutionbackground check, background, check, FCRA, permission, applicant, hiring, onboard, onboarding, new hire, discrimination