Staff Handbooks vs. Cheat Sheets: Which is Right for Me?
HR Ministry Solutionstaff handbook, handbook, staff, labor law, laws, cheat sheets, rules, regulations, communication, compliance, policy, policies, employee, employer, state, benfit, benefits, behavior, culture, expectations, growth, foundation, document, documents, compliant, law, labor, advisor, minimum wage, salary, salaries, salary range, overtime, breaks, pay laws, vacation, leave, maternity, harassment, harassment prevention training, sexual
Illinois Law Updates January 2025
HR Ministry SolutionIllinois, IL, pay, benefits, job posting, promotion, reproductive, health, family, caregiving, caregiver, EEO, Equal Employment Opportunitiy, pay stubs, personnel, records, employment, verification
Minnesota Pay & Benefits in Job Postings
Delaware Paid Leave Deadlines
HR Ministry SolutionDelaware, state law, state, labor law, labor, Paid Leave, leave, family, medical, LaborFirst, Notice of Employee Rights, hire, notice, wage, contribution, benefits, program, payroll, deduction, DE
Minnesota Paid Leave Wage Reports Due October 31, 2024
HR Ministry SolutionMinnesota, pay, wage, leave, report, state, state law, unemployment, tax, benefits, premium
4 Things You Have to Stop Doing to Your Staff
HR Ministry Solutionstaff, staff culture, burnout, culture, mission, time off, vacation, holiday, balance, employee, employer, leave, sabbatical, pastor, benefit, benefits, pay, salary, salaries, job description, review, coaching, disciple, growth, management, manage, schedule, hire, new hire, conflict, toxic, termination, fire
Q. "How do we handle pay for an employee out on military leave?"
5 Reasons You Can’t Miss This HRMP Cohort
HR Ministry SolutionHRMP, certified, certificate, certification, ministry professional, masterclass, course, onboard, onboarding, offboard, offboarding, compensation, pay, salary, salaries, payroll, benefits, coaching, coach, mentor, leader, template, templates, confident, learn, growth, church HR, secular, ministry, cohort
Q. "How many sick days do we have to give employees?"
HR Ministry Solutionlabor law, state, sick leave, leave, illness, medical, hours, California, germs, health, benefit, benefits, sick day
Q. "What is the interactive process?"
HR Ministry Solutioninteractive process, ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, disabled, disability, federal law, accommodation, employee, applicant, benefits, priviledge, manager, request, medical, compliant
Managing & Maximizing Healthcare Solutions Well
HR Ministry Solutionhealth, healthcare, health care, benefit, benefits, premiums, employee, copay, deductible, coinsurance, insurance, bill, expense, plan, hospital, premium, HSA, HRA, telehealth, healthshare, Remodel health, webinar, market
Q. "What is the difference between an HSA and a FSA?"
HR Ministry SolutionHSA, FSA, health, health care, insurance, flexible, spending, account, savings, tax, benefit, contribution, flexibility, fund, doctor, healthy, reinbursement, eligible, employer, employee, deductible, medical, HRA, COBRA, benefits, health insurance
Why Your Ministry Should Offer Disability Insurance
Q. "How do we prevent inconsistencies in our pay scale?"
HR Ministry Solutionpay, payroll, payroll system, pay grade, salary, salary structure, job description, paid, benefits, culture, retention, longevity, staff
5 Ideas for Staff Summer Fun
What Can You Do to Ensure a Market Downturn Doesn't Affect Your Business?
HR Ministry SolutionBELAY, economy, budget, spending, pay, payroll, hiring, benefits, brand, culture, offboarding, offboard, fire, termination, meeting, management, manage, staff culture
Q. "When hiring, what is the minimum salary we should offer in this economy?"
HR Ministry Solutionlabor, market, salary, salary structure, salary range, wage, minimum wage, employee, inflation, benefits, culture
Q. "What is a 'Ramp-Down, Ramp-Up Parental Leave Policy'?"
HR Ministry Solutionparent, maternity, mother, employee, salary, benefits, policy, retention, laws, FMLA
Why You DO Need a Remote Work Policy
HR Ministry Solutionremote, policy, staff handbook, handbook, benefits, policies, flexibility, communication, remote work, pastor, pastors, benefit, position, tier, boundaries, burnout
Q. "What should cost of living adjustments look like for 2023?"
HR Ministry SolutionCOLA, 2023, inflation, salary, salaries, staff, compensation, bonuses, volunteer, benefits, benfit, health care, remote