Posts tagged accommodation
Q. "An employee requested leave for major surgery. Do we have to hold their job?"
HR Ministry Solutionmedical, FMLA, family, leave, sick, sick leave, benefit, time, time off, disability, Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA, interactive process, policy, policies, accommodation
Q. "We have an employee no longer physically capable of their job. We have tried to accommodate, but the condition has not improved. Is there anything else we need to do before letting them go?"
HR Ministry Solutioninjury, disability, Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA, disabled, hurt, accommodation, interactive process, reasonable, function, hardship, leave, absence, FMLA, doctor, job description, termination, legal, attorney, lawyer
Q. "What is the interactive process?"
HR Ministry Solutioninteractive process, ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, disabled, disability, federal law, accommodation, employee, applicant, benefits, priviledge, manager, request, medical, compliant
Q. "How do we meet federal requirements for lactation accommodations?"
HR Ministry Solutionlactation, accommodation, FLSA, breast milk, breast feeding, nursing, mothers, mother, break, pump, policy
Q. "Does the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) affect us?"
What You Need to Know About Staff Handbooks in 2022
HR Ministry Solutionstaff handbook, 2022, 2021, Q1, quarter, new year, handbook, organization, state, policy, policies, health, safety, leave, protected, protected classes, protected class, victim, donor, paid, sick, parent, family, medical, vaccine, Virginia, states, state law, federal law, federal, pregnant, pregnancy, accommodation, remote, dress, dress code, remote work, work from home, security, culture, staff culture, employee file, health care
Q. “What Actually Qualifies as a Disability?”
HR Ministry Solutiondisability, ADA, employer, employee, training, compensation, hiring, firing, promotion, disabled, accommodation, process